AWS Node.js Hosting

Production Node.js Deployments with Zero DevOps on AWS.

NodeChef AWS Node.js hosting features

Deploy and manage your Node.js apps together with MongoDB, MySQL or PostgreSQL on AWS EC2 using NodeChef Platform-as-a-Service for AWS.


Deploy Node.js in seconds to AWS EC2

Using Git

Connect your repository from GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket and easily deploy a branch.

logoCreated with Sketch. GitLab

Using CLI

Just one command to install the CLI and also one command to deploy your project folder.

npm install -g nodechef-cli
nodechef deploy -i myapp

Using Upload

Zip or Tar archive your project folder, log into the dashboard and select to upload your project.

Zip or Tar project
Dashboard upload

Best Node.js cloud hosting recipe on AWS

  • Node.js DevOps as a service

    NodeChef takes care of the hard stuff like running containers in production, container orchestration, scaling, application builds using buildpacks and many others, so that you can focus on building great Node.js apps for your customers. We support the entire Node.js ecosystem from express to and UI frameworks such as React.js, Next.js, Vue.js etc

  • Production Database Support

    Our DBAs bring many years of experience in database management. We provide management tools on par and above DBaaS providers. We support MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL Databases. Our DBaaS features include continuous backups, backups stored on 3 different continents, S3 backups archiving, point in time database restore from backups, slow query profiling, secure database connections, replication, high availability, full root access to the database. You can run your database in production with confidence you will never loose any data.

  • Auto-Healing Node.js apps

    Never worry about your app crashing or unforeseen deadlocks that makes your apps unresponsive. You can easily define a health check rule to monitor your app servers. NodeChef will auto restart or alert you when your app becomes unresponsive.

  • Zero downtime deployments

    We deploy new builds of your app with precision making sure it is crash free and ready to accept connections. Your end users will never experience any flaky empty pages whenever you push code. Deploy as many times without worry of any service interruptions to your end-users.

  • Clustering and load balancing

    Outgrowing a single server for your app? NodeChef makes it easy to scale to new servers in just a few clicks. Just add new servers and NodeChef will configure new instances of your app and load balance traffic to them.

  • SSL Certificate managment

    Secure connections on all domains are standard. TLS Certificates are provided by the Let's Encrypt CA and are installed and renewed automatically. You can also upload your own certificate from the dashboard anytime if required.

  • Node.js Performance Monitoring

    NodeChef provides you with uptime metrics for your instances, response latency of your application containers, number of requests per second, total open HTTP(s) connections, total open websockets, real-time structured HTTP logs as well as CPU and memory usage of all instances. You have complete visibility into the performance of your apps.

  • Background jobs

    From the dashboard, you can schedule task to be executed with precision. No cron scripts required, everything is done from an intuitive dashboard.

  • Secure by default

    Dashboard two factor authentication support. Your data never leaves your servers, full ownership of your data. All traffic is served using your servers as well.

NodeChef Performance Monitoring (APM)

Monitor, set alerts and autoscale your application using NodeChef APM. Metrics include CPU, RAM, Out of memory crashes, timeout failures, response latency, request per second, open HTTP(s) connections and web sockets.

NodeChef APM

Database slow query monitoring

In addition to regular database metrics, NodeChef provides metrics on slow performing queries for MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases allowing you to quickly resolve performance issues. For MongoDB, NodeChef can auto index the database.

NodeChef APM

Available in all AWS regions

Host your Node.js apps and databases close to where your users are. NodeChef supports all AWS regions.

US East (Ohio)
US East (N. Virginia)
US West (N. California)
US West (Oregon)
Africa (Cape Town)
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong)
Asia Pacific (Mumbai)
Asia Pacific (Osaka)
Asia Pacific (Seoul)
Asia Pacific (Singapore)
Asia Pacific (Sydney)
Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
Canada (Central)
Europe (Frankfurt)
Europe (Ireland)
Europe (London)
Europe (Milan)
Europe (Paris)
Europe (Stockholm)
Middle East (Bahrain)
South America (São Paulo)
AWS GovCloud (US-East)
AWS GovCloud (US-West)

Quit Worrying About Node.js
Deployment And Management

There is no alpha in doing it yourself or building a custom undifferentiated PaaS managed by your team. Why not focus on your product? NodeChef is a cost effective enterprise grade full featured platform that just works for applications of any scale and scope. No flakiness.

See how to deploy Node.js to AWS →