Managed GraphQL Server Hosting

High performance and reliable GraphQL, Apollo server hosting for developers.

Everything you need to run and scale
GraphQL, Apollo servers in production

NodeChef GraphQL server cloud hosting platform is based on managed containers, with integrated MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Redis and powerful add-ons, for deploying and running your apps.


Deploy GraphQL in seconds to NodeChef Cloud

Using Git

Connect your repository from GitHub, GitLab, or BitBucket and easily deploy a branch.

logoCreated with Sketch. GitLab

Using CLI

Just one command to install the CLI and also one command to deploy your project folder.

npm install -g nodechef-cli
nodechef deploy -i myapp

Using Upload

Zip or Tar archive your project folder, log into the dashboard and select to upload your project.

Zip or Tar project
Dashboard upload

Available in multiple regions

Choose a data center near you. NodeChef provides hosting in US-East, EU-West (Paris), Singapore and Australia (Sydney).

NodeChef worldwide cloud hosting