Managed MongoDB Cloud Hosting

MongoDB deployment platform optimized for scale, speed and security.

MongoDB Hosting Platform

We provision databases for many customers every day. Each customer benefits from years of at-scale managed MongoDB hosting expertise.


Enterprise grade MongoDB hosting

  • Cloud Automation

    On-demand provisioning of single-node or replica set. All deployments offer daily logging and real-time memory usage metrics. Authentication, and encryption keep your data protected.

  • Auto scaling

    As your data needs grow we'll scale your database storage and memory automatically so you don't need to worry about capacity. You can also manually scale up or down your cluster with zero downtime with a click of a button.

  • Bare metal performance

    If Deploying to NodeChef cloud instead of AWS, Azure etc, all databases run on dedicated bare metal servers with local SSD for the best performance. We also employ a containerized approach to isolate CPU, memory and I/O resources while running at bare metal speed.

  • Zero downtime migration

    You have your MongoDB cluster running somewhere else but want to migrate to NodeChef? No problem. We have the tools you can use to migrate your data to NodeChef with no impact to your application.

  • Continuous Backups

    We perform automated continuous backups from the oplog as data is written and folded into hourly segments. Snapshot backups are also taken every day and retained for up 4 days. You can also archive backups to your own S3 bucket.

  • Query Optimization

    The slow query analyzer and indexing feature analyzes your database and presents you with recommendations for new indexes that can be created to improve query performance. The query analyzer can also automate the roll-out of new indexes.

  • Hot Upgrades

    In just one click, you can upgrade your MongoDB database to a newer version. If you deployed a replica set, Nodechef coordinates updates with precision to ensure a seamless upgrade experience without any downtime.

  • Import and export

    From our dashboard, you can import, CSV and JSON data in your database. NodeChef supports advanced transformations allowing you to slice and dice and even change the structure of the data been impored. You no longer have to hard code simple data import task.

  • Point in time restore

    NodeChef is the only MongoDB DBaas that provides automated and self service database restore to an exact point in time. This is made possible by our continous backups feature. You are 100% protected from any data loss in the event of having to recover data.

Database slow query monitoring

In addition to regular database metrics, NodeChef provides metrics on slow performing queries for MongoDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL databases allowing you to quickly resolve performance issues. For MongoDB, NodeChef can auto index the database.

NodeChef APM

Available in multiple regions

Choose a data center near you. NodeChef provides hosting in US-East, EU-West (Paris), Singapore and Australia (Sydney).

NodeChef worldwide cloud hosting

Start MongoDB hosting
on NodeChef

We also provide managed MongoDB hosting on
your own servers from any cloud provider

Just bring your server from any cloud provider, you can even connect your cloud account, provision servers and deploy a MongoDB replica set to your servers.