Managed Parse Server Cloud Hosting

NodeChef provides Parse Server cloud hosting with fully managed MongoDB or use a database hosted anywhere.

The only Parse hosting that scales to
and beyond 3,000 requests per second.

Build cross-platform native mobile, web and IoT apps with Parse Android, iOS, .NET + Xamarin, PHP, Arduino, and JavaScript SDKs. Nodechef's managed Parse hosting encapsulates both the database and the parse server into a single cloud service, so app developers can build with less effort.

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Store, secure and query your data without managing a single server. NodeChef intelligently indexes your classes for the best performance. Authenticate users with email & password, third party social networks, or easily integrate your existing authentication system.


Increase user engagement with targeted push notifications. Send push notifications across devices and platforms with ease. Notifications can be broadcast to all users or sent to a segment of users to give personalized information. Stay in touch with your users.


NodeChef provides you with the tools to host static and dynamic websites (Cloud Code) to create companion web apps or landing pages for your app. Deploy using NodeChef CLI tool. Custom domains and SSL are included. We take care of provisioning the SSL cert for you.

2,100+ successful startups and leading companies choose NodeChef

"If you are still looking for a home for your app, I highly recommend taking a look at Not only do they have a breadth of capabilities that I did not see in other platforms, the pricing is very attractive as well"

Tod Knight
Partner at AliTek Consulting
Read Customer Story

Parse Dashboard

Use the web-based, Parse Dashboard hosted on NodeChef for powerful data browsing and manipulation.

Parse dashboard on Nodechef

Available in multiple regions

Choose a data center near you. NodeChef provides hosting in US-East, EU-West (Paris), Singapore and Australia (Sydney).

NodeChef worldwide cloud hosting
  • One click deploy

    Launching your Parse Server powered backend is as simple as entering a name for your app and clicking on a launch button. NodeChef provisions your secure Parse Server and MongoDB in seconds.

  • Automated version updates

    NodeChef Parse Server implementation auto updates on bug fixes and new features with precision to ensure a seamless upgrade experience without any downtime for connected clients.

  • Parse server monitoring

    NodeChef monitors your Parse server 24x7x365 and auto recovers whenver anything goes wrong. We also provide CPU, RAM, response latency and request per second metrics of your Parse server.