This tutorial document will walk you through deploying the Hasura GraphQL server using NodeChef Docker hosting and NodeChef managed PostgreSQL hosting.
Although NodeChef supports multiple deployment methods such as Git and CLI, in this guide, we will be deploying by simply uploading a single Dockerfile.
Log in and navigate to the Dashboard. Click on deployments and complete the form. Select the 128 MB RAM size and then select PostgreSQL as your database.
Proceed to select the region where you want to deploy your GraphQL server
Once the cluster is provisioned, a URL will be assigned to your project which will be displaced on the dashboard.
You can create a file with name Dockerfile and copy the script below into it or download the same file from this url
Zip just the Dockerfile (Without the folder) and then upload it from the dashboard.
If you closed the deployment wizard that was presented on the screen after deployment, you can find it again under App actions → Upload code.
Select Dockerized under platform and then select the zipped Dockerfile under App code Click the Deploy app button to initiate deployment. See image below.
After the deployment is complete. Close the upload section, click on App actions → Browse to see it in action
That's it!
There are other ways to deploy this, you could have forked the Dockerfile on GitHub and then deploy it from the dashboard using our GitHub, Bitbucket and GitLab integrations. You could has also cloned the repository containing the Dockerfile locally and then use the CLI to deploy.