App Hosting with Buildpacks

Scala The Scala Logo
elixir Created with Sketch.

Buildpacks provide framework and runtime support for apps. Buildpacks typically examine your apps to determine what dependencies to download and how to configure the apps to communicate with bound services.

The NodeChef platform supports buildpacks which allows you to deploy applications written in any language.

NodeChef bridges the gap between fortune 100 companies that can afford to run and manage an in-house dedicated infrastructure and small and mid sized businesses that seek dedicated hosting at an affordable price.

NodeChef managed bare metal cloud is more affordable and also outperforms VPS hosting and can save you tons of work configuring and managing your application.

Platform default Buildpacks

Open source Cloudfoundry and community developed buildpacks curated by NodeChef. Suitable for most application needs. You can also use your own custom buildpacks which is explained under the deployment section.

Name usage Supported Languages, Frameworks, and Technologies Source Code


go Go Source


java Grails, Play, Spring, or any other JVM-based language or framework Source

.NET Core

dotnet .NET Core Source


php Cake, Symfony, Zend, Nginx, or HTTPD Source


python Django or Flask Source


ruby Ruby, JRuby, Rack, Rails, or Sinatra Source


elixir Elixir apps. Use with the phoenix-static buildpack to build static assets. Source

Real-time monitoring

The NodeChef task manager allows you in real time to monitor the memory and CPU usage of your App. You can also monitor incoming client connections (traffic) and the total requests per second dispatched to your app containers. You can also monitor your application logs in real-time from the dashboard.

NodeChef Task Manager


NodeChef App insights

The NodeChef platform provides the following metrics from the dashboard. Metrics are available for a up to 24 hours.