The NodeChef object storage service enables developers and businesses to take advantage of the simplicity, flexibility and scalability of modern key value storage, without the hassle of managing a distributed cluster..
The object storage is designed to be S3 compatible allowing developers to use the S3 SDKs to develop their applications. There is no lock-in or a steep learning curve to use this service on NodeChef. In most cases, your framework supports S3, simply add your Access and Secret keys and your app is ready to go.
Object storage supports extremly fast key lookups and bucket listing using SSD storage. Data is served from local disk and bare metal servers for the best performance the cloud can offer.
Whether you’re storing pharmaceutical or financial data, or multimedia files such as photos and videos, the NodeChef object storage provides highly durable and available storage for varying workloads. This allows you to offload your entire storage infrastructure into the cloud, where you can take advantage of the Object storage scalability and pay-as-you-go pricing to handle your growing storage needs.
The NodeChef object storage services offers a highly durable, scalable, and secure destination for backing up and archiving your critical data. You can use Amazon S3’s versioning capability to provide even further protection for your stored data.
The NodeChef object storage stores meta data on SSD for blazing fast key value lookups. If your application stores and retrieve data primarily using the key value model, the Nodechef object storage service can serve as the backing database without having to provision a separate NoSQL instance.