You can configure GitLab, GitHub or BitBucket integration from the NodeChef Dashboard. This integration makes it easy to deploy code living on GitHub, BitBucket or GitLab to your app containers running on NodeChef.
Provision your app and/or MongoDB database containers from the Deployments tab in the NodeChef Dashboard. On the Deployments tab, enter your application name, choose your app container size, MongoDB storage engine and size (you can also select none to use an external database), datacenter location and then click “Launch Cluster”.
After your cluster is launched, move to the Task Manager → App Actions → Git integration to configure GitLab, GitHub or BitBucket integration.
To configure GitLab integration, you have to authenticate with your Git repository. You only have to do this once per NodeChef account. Click “Connect to (repository)”, to start the authentication.
After you link your Account to a Git repo, you can selectively deploy from branches.
You do not have to build your application before deploying. NodeChef pulls and builds your source code on the server using the widely used Meteor.js Horse Buildpack.
NodeChef automatically configures the ROOT_URL as well as MongoDB environment variables if you are using the NodeChef provided MongoDB hosting. If using an external database you must set the MONGO_URL and MONGO_OPLOG_URL variables from App actions → Environment variables before deploying your app.